Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back at it Again - New Character Concept

So after a long break from the game, brought on by pre christmas busyness and other distractions (space marine *cough*), I'm getting back into developing this bad boy.

I thought I'd like to change the character a bit because, as one of my friends said, it doesn't feel like you are playing as a plazma being but as a little robot. So I came up with a quick new look for him. I also got rid of the whole "needing to possess object to move around" aspect of the game, so now you just float around as the little plazma guy. The object possession side of things is now only for puzzle solving and not a necessity.

I still want to have the player unlock extra abilities as the play the game like before, but now I think they will be purely energy based powers instead of new "bodies" to possess. The character will have different "forms" to switch between which will be shown by a change of colour. For example, so far I have a red form which allows the player to move, jump and fire the energy ball, and a blue form which allows the player to manipulate objects.
So as the player progresses through the game they will unlock new abilities for certain forms and new forms which will allow them to do completely new things.

Anywho, I made a video again of my idea for the new little plazma guy. It just shows me playing through one of the levels from zone 1. I finally bought fraps, so no water mark this time :)

EDIT: i deleted this video cause on hind sight I thought it revealed a bit too much. However you can see the new character in the above videos

Take it easy ;)

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